The mayor of Tineo, José Ramón Feito Lorences, the delegate councilor of
Montes, Marcos Da Rocha Rodriguez, and the Director General of Planning,
Agricultural Infrastructures and Mountains of the Principality of Asturias, Fernando Prendes
Hernández-Heres, participated this Thursday in the meeting of the organizing committee of the
international forestry fair Asturforesta 2021, in which the sixteen members of the
Committee showed unanimous support and willingness to move forward with the preparation of the
2021 edition in the Armayán mountain, taking advantage of the positive balance of the
2019 and the interest that the event has for the professionals of the forest sector and
of the biomass of southern Europe.
Asturforesta 2019 counted with the participation of 124 companies, 20 of them
from outside Spain, mainly from Portugal and Finland, and 258 brands were represented, 83% of which were international. In addition, throughout 2019,
Asturforesta was present in different professional fairs, which allowed to close
agreements with several companies interested in attending the 2021 edition.
In this meeting, the ideal conditions of the fairground located in the
Armayán mountain to celebrate the contest with all the sanitary guarantees for
visitors and exhibitors in case the current ones persist in the summer
pandemic circumstances. Exhibitor and Demonstration Areas
of machinery in a circular circuit facilitates the unidirectional circulation of
s as well as to accommodate new companies with all the conditions
It was also agreed to include new members in the organizing committee of Asturforesta
2021, in addition to continuing the work of promoting and attracting new
Asturforesta will be held in Monte Armayán de Tineo (Asturias), from 17th to 19th June 2021, as planned. It is the only International Forestry Fair of the
Iberian Peninsula, as well as the only Spanish one integrated in the Network of Fairs
International Forestry Demo Fairs. The event is supported by both the
Government of the Principality of Asturias and the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge