92 S.A. is a company with more than 30 years of experience in the distribution of garden, forestry and brushcutting machinery, with Cub Cadet and AS-Motor, among other brands, who invest more than 5% in R+D+I, in order to achieve its main objective, the permanent innovation and improvement of its machinery. The priorities of 92 S.A. are to offer the most competitive and high quality products and the best attention and after-sales service. To achieve this, we have the best team of professionals.


Programming tools, control unit repair and component diagnosis for professionals and workshops in the forestry sector.


Power adjustment services for forestry vehicles, control unit repair, electronic configuration of AdBlue systems, Particulate Filter (DPF), EGR solenoid valve, Maximum Speed Limiters and electronic immobilisers, as well as breakdown diagnosis and repair of injection systems.

Distributor Agrícola Patricio, S.L. – Tineo

Distributor Millasur, S.L. – A Coruña

Official Distributor for Asturias and Cantabria of Fendt and Valtra.

Distribuidor Oficial para Asturias y Cantabria de Fendt y Valtra. Agroforestal Rouco es una empresa dedicada a la comercialización, reparación, venta y servicios enfocados en el sector agrícola y forestal.


Desde 2005, nuestro servicio de ventas y reparación ha desarrollado un fuerte crecimiento para llevarlo a la actualidad. Destacamos en el mercado como proveedores de grandes marcas (McCormick, Landini, Serrat…), alcanzando una posición importante en un mercado muy competitivo.


Compromiso:  Nuestro compromiso a corto plazo es ofrecer al cliente el mejor producto posible al mejor precio posible. Calidad y mercado competitivo van de la mano, tenemos el producto y la solución en el mercado al más alto nivel. Queremos ser guiados por nuestros clientes al liderazgo del mercado.


Objetivos: El objetivo de nuestra empresa es superar los retos presentes y futuros de los sectores en los que prestamos nuestros servicios. Asumemos el reto de ampliar y mejorar nuestros servicios y ofrecer una relación con nuestros clientes basada en la confianza.


“En Agroforestal Rouco nos preocupa que nuestros clientes dispongan del material agrícola y forestal adecuado en perfecto estado para llevar a cabo sus tareas de la mejor manera posible”.



SmartWood is the web and mobile platform that provides owners or agents interested in the forestry sector with key information to prevent the abandonment of their rural properties. SmartWood provides the owner and manager with a mobile application from which they can consult all the information necessary to enhance the value of their plots of land.

Alvemaco is a leading company in the rental of machinery for the Construction, Industry, Public Works and Events sectors.

Established in the market for over 30 years, our goal has always been to anticipate the needs of customers, demanding the quality and variety of our offer, constantly evolving and renewing.

On the other hand, Alvemaco Rent is a company dedicated to the rental and leasing of vehicles to companies, government agencies and individuals, specializing in short and long season.

With offices in Madrid, Asturias and Cantabria, offers a wide range of vehicles adapted to the needs of its customers, helping them in the development of a customized rental program designed specifically for your business and tailored to your needs.

Arbogal. Specialists in arboriculture, height pruning, felling and controlled cutting. Maintenance of farms and gardens, treatment of red palm weevil.

ASMADERA is a sectorial association that represents and defends the companies involved in forestry, processing industry, sawmills, carpentry and furniture, packaging, biomass and timber warehouses. The main purpose of ASMADERA is the defense of the interests of our associates and the representation of the sector before the public administration, other political and trade union organizations, the media and others.
We are part of FADE, Quality Club, FSC and member of the executive committee of UNEmadera (National Wood Employer) and we have group accreditation in Chain of Custody PEFC and FSC.

La Asociación de Propietarios Forestales de Asturias, PROFOAS, es la entidad representativa de los propietarios forestales en el Principado de Asturias.
propietarios forestales en el Principado de Asturias, donde uno de sus principales objetivos es hacer del bosque un recurso atractivo y rentable para los propietarios forestales. Uno de sus principales objetivos es hacer del bosque un recurso atractivo y rentable para el propietario.
Pretendemos que nuestros bosques sean un motor de desarrollo rural, económico, social, cultural, cultural, paisajístico y turístico de la región.
paisaje y turismo de la región. Esta organización presta asesoramiento, asistencia
técnica, defensa, formación, información, promoción y representación a propietarios forestales con propiedad en el Principado de Asturias.
con propiedad en el Principado de Asturias independientemente de la superficie
que posean, así como del tipo de bosque y el tipo de masa forestal en cuestión.
Para más información sobre nosotros puede consultar la página web www. profoas.com


Traditionally, in the heart of the southwest of Asturias, among chestnut and oak groves, the best specimens of pigs have been raised, so it is not surprising that a delicacy such as chosco is produced in these lands.

Chosco de Tineo is a cured and smoked pork sausage made from selected cuts of pork (loin and tongue) marinated with salt, paprika and garlic. The casing used to cover the chosco is pork caecum, hence its rounded and irregular shape. When cut, the different pieces of meat are clearly visible.

Its characteristic color is reddish, varying in tone depending on the meat used and the concentration of paprika.

With a juicy texture, it has a characteristic flavor and aroma typical of marinated and smoked sausages.

It can be more or less intense, depending on the number of days of smoking and the type of wood used.


Tinastur is a company with 30 years of experience in the world of wood, under the brand ASTILLASTUR we manufacture quality wood chips, selected and stored in our facilities in Tineo and distributed nationwide as fuel for biomass boilers. Unloading with pneumatic truck and/or moving floor.

Tinastur es una empresa con 30 años de experiencia en el mundo de la madera, bajo la marca ASTILLASTUR fabricamos astillas de madera de calidad, seleccionadas y almacenadas en nuestras instalaciones de Tineo y distribuidas a nivel nacional como combustible para calderas de biomasa. Descarga con camión neumático y / o piso móvil.  La Asociación de Empresas Forestales y Medioambientales de Asturias (ASYMAS) es una Asociación voluntaria de empresas privadas que se ubican o desarrollan su actividad en el Principado de Asturias, y cuya actividad principal son los tratamientos forestales dentro del sector forestal.

El principal objetivo de nuestra Asociación es defender el sector forestal y el medio natural asturiano a través de la empresa privada para lograr una adecuada gestión del medio natural, contribuyendo a desarrollar la política forestal y una adecuada planificación del sector en el medio. ya largo plazo.


El concejo de Tineo, situado en el corazón del occidente de Asturias, cuenta con un extenso y bello territorio donde la historia y la naturaleza siempre han ido de la mano para formar una variedad natural única y un patrimonio histórico como pocos concejos.

La villa de Tineo, capital del municipio, es considerada una villa con una larga historia, ya muy importante durante el Imperio Romano. Su momento de mayor esplendor fue durante los siglos XII y XV, época de gran afluencia de peregrinos que de camino a Compostela tenían el deber de pasar por el Monasterio de Santa María la Real de Obona.

Tineo es tierra de pueblos ejemplares. Por ello, es imprescindible visitar Tuña, localidad de pasado señorial, premiada en 2000 y cuna del General Riego, y Navelgas, premiada en 2003 y todo su Valle de Oro.

El resto del municipio ofrece multitud de atractivos para quien lo visita: dólmenes prehistóricos, minas de oro romanas, monasterios, palacios, árboles centenarios? All Nature à la Carte, donde puedes elegir lo que quieras.


Company dedicated to the commercialisation of machinery, accessories, spare parts and the provision of technical and sales service for the recycling, earthmoving, industrial and material handling sectors.

Patrocinador Oficial de las siguientes actividades:

Mantenimiento de
motosierra Exposición
escalada Talla

At ASTURFORESTA’21, CHR will present its new forestry range with solutions for the transport of biomass in bales and roundwood.

The new CHR forestry range includes semitrailers with fixed ballast trailers for transporting biomass, semi-trailers for transporting roundwood with the new CHR H12 stakes and “3 in 1” semi-trailers for transporting biomass, roundwood and general cargo, with a patented system of retractable ballast trailers.



El Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Técnicos Forestales y Graduados en Ingeniería Forestal y del Medio Natural reúne a profesionales, ingenieros técnicos y graduados, de todo el país dedicados al manejo sustentable de los recursos naturales. Esta asociación profesional trabaja para defender y valorizar el sector forestal, garantizando el trabajo de sus miembros. Tiene a su cargo la gestión de la profesión regulada de Ingeniero Forestal.


The Confederation of Organizations of Foresters of Spain (COSE), brings together the owners of private forests (representing 67% of the Spanish forest area) through the regional forestry associations as a representative body before the General State Administration and to be a valid interlocutor, an instrument to channel initiatives to improve the environment and forests, to structure the territory and to collaborate in legislative measures for the development of forestry at national level. Its main commitments over more than 30 years have been and are sustainable forest management, where the fight against forest fires has undoubtedly occupied a relevant place, and the enhancement of the value of the forests to ensure their persistence. The mitigation of climate change, the conservation of natural areas (Natura 2000 Network) and biodiversity, the promotion of biomass as renewable energy, the promotion of forest products through their value chains and the creation of employment in rural areas are also its objectives.


Ubicados en la Sierra de Tineo, formamos profesionales forestales y medioambientales en un entorno de trabajo basado en proyectos, intentando siempre simular situaciones de trabajo reales. Niñas y niños de todo el norte de la península se forman como Técnicos de Grado Medio en Explotación y Conservación del Medio Natural o como Técnicos Superiores en Manejo Forestal y Medio Natural.

Contamos con un gran equipo profesional y la mejor infraestructura para la formación forestal y ambiental: LA MONTAÑA.







La historia de Exmain se remonta a 1974 como empresa distribuidora de maquinaria.

Una historia de progreso en la que hemos hecho de nuestros valores de seriedad y solvencia de los principales fabricantes internacionales para combinarlos con una identidad de compromiso y proximidad que nos posiciona como una referencia en Asturias, León, Zamora y Sur de Orense.

Vendemos una amplia variedad de maquinaria y accesorios de nuestras marcas Volvo, Manitou, Hiab, Clark y Mecalac, para todos los sectores de actividad y brindamos un completo servicio postventa. En Exmain nos esforzamos por cuidar cada detalle con el sólido propósito de garantizar y prolongar el máximo rendimiento de las máquinas de nuestros clientes.


Distribuye Millasur, S.L. –  A Coruña



Fibrastur es una empresa asturiana dedicada a la fabricación de todo tipo de piezas en poliéster o fibra de vidrio.


Llevamos más de 30 años desarrollando proyectos a medida para nuestros clientes. Calidad y satisfacción en el producto final es lo que nos caracteriza. Fabricamos: Silos para almacenamiento de pellets y tanques de líquidos.

En Finanzauto nos dedicamos a la distribución de maquinaria para obras públicas, minería, silvicultura, agricultura y construcción, así como generadores de generación de energía y motores marinos para embarcaciones grandes y pequeñas, ofreciendo además soluciones globales de postventa para todos estos productos.

Somos una empresa multi-especialista con un destacado papel como integradores de sistemas en múltiples sectores industriales con servicio en toda España.

Para el mercado forestal distribuimos: Caterpillar, Konrad, Prinoth y Noe.

Máquinas expuestas:

– Gato®:

o Excavadora de procesamiento 323F

o Manipulador de materiales MH3026

o Cargador de ruedas 938M

o Mini Excavadora 309

o Retroexcavadora 444

o Tractor oruga D3

– Konrad: Procesador Woody50

– Prinoth: Brushcutter M450e-900

– Noe: Skidder NF160-4R


FORCAR, S.A.U. (FORestal CARdelle), manufacturer of FORCAR compact forestry forwarders.


Distributor in Spain by Maquinària Lliró – Tecnica Forestal.

Manufacturer of portable winches with petrol engines and firewood chippers.

The network that develops the world’s leading forestry fairs.

To be a member of the Forest Demonstration Fairs it is necessary for the organiser to comply with the defined quality and safety standards that apply to forest fairs organised at a forest site.

In addition to Asturforesta, ElmiaWood, Euroforest, FinnMETKO and KWF are members of this network.


The KWF-Tagung is one of the largest forestry demonstration fairs in the world. The KWF-Tagung takes place every 4 years in a different part of Germany and is held as an open-air fair in the forest with real demonstrations and more than 500 exhibitors.

The next Tagung will take place from 19-22 June 2024 in Schwarzenborn, Germany.

Until then we have several digital events, starting with the KWF-Tagungs-Congress on 21 June 2021: 


The 19th FinnMETKO exhibition will be held 1. – 3.9.2022 in Jämsä, on land owned by GRADIA Jämsä, the City of Jämsä and private landowners. Traditionally there has been 34000 professional visitors and more than 400 exhibitors at FinnMETKO.

 FinnMETKO is Finland’s largest and most important professional and sales exhibition for the heavy machinery industry. The exhibition focuses on demostrations and test drives of machinery Forest machine demonstrations and wood energy chipping and crushing demonstrations are some of the key features of the exhibition. The earthmoving and transport industries are heavily represented at the exhibition. Commercial vehicles also play a significant role. Heavy industry additional devices, accessories, components and service providers, sellers and marketers, as well as representatives from heavy industry interest groups, are all highly visible at the exhibition. 

Fundación Asturiana de la Energía (FAEN) – Pedro González Feito

Calle Fray Paulino, s / n, 33600 Mieres Asturias, España

pedro@faen.es – 985 46 71 80 www.faen.es

El objetivo de la Fundación Asturiana de la Energía, como Agencia Regional de Energía del Principado de Asturias, es estudiar las necesidades energéticas de la región. Sus actuaciones (estudios, proyectos, auditorías, actividades de divulgación, etc.) se centran en la mejora de la eficiencia energética y el uso de fuentes de energía renovables.

The CETEMAS Foundation is a private non-profit organisation established in 2009 on the initiative of a group of companies and the Regional Government, forming part of the Network of Technology Centres of Asturias.

Our MISSION is focused on:

Adding value to companies through innovation and technological development.

Supporting the forestry sector and the potential of wood as a raw material of economic, technological and environmental value.

Preparing the industry for opportunities related to new value chains and markets based on sustainable manufacturing in the bioeconomy.

Incorporate new technologies and instruments for planning and management of territories, opening up new opportunities for sustainable development.

Company dedicated to the sale of equipment and spare parts for public works and forestry machinery. Loaders, excavators and mini excavators, mobile crushers, industrial brush cutters and agricultural milling crushers.

Official distributors of SANY, VENIERI, FAE, KOMPLET, CAMS.

The Regional Ministry of Rural Affairs and Territorial Cohesion is responsible for forestry resources in the Principality of Asturias. In turn, the functions in forestry and fire prevention are assigned to the Directorate General of Forestry and Agricultural Infrastructure and, within the same, correspond to the Forestry Service.

Granalu, leader in Spain in the manufacture of aluminum semi-trailers, presents at Asturforesta 2021 two of its vehicles adapted to the transport of wood. Firstly, the Granalu Moving Floor, is perfect for the transport of bulk cargo such as sawdust, wood chips or wood among others, with volumes up to 100m3.   In second place, the Chassis Truck with front crane and Exte post system for the transport of timber. Both are characterized by their robustness and durability.

TractorPasion.com web and magazine of information of the machinery sector
TractorOcasion.com web and magazine of used machinery where companies and individuals advertise their machines.


In mid-2019 GUIAGRO was born with the aim of distributing and disseminating all kinds of agricultural information: new agricultural machinery, second-hand market and components, spare parts and accessories that farmers and ranchers may need in their usual tasks. Knowing where to buy these products, sector information, news and comments that either on our website www.guiagro.es, as in social networks we spread so that the field and livestock are aware of the latest developments in the market.


More than 20 years of experience in the sector guarantee the professionalism of the team of Guiagro Editorial, S.L. offering a publication in printed edition and also in digital format, helping to visualize and distribute the information of the products and services that the farmer and the stockbreeder, as well as the workshops, dealers, manufacturers, cooperatives, … may need.


We would like to thank you for visiting www.guiagro.es and take advantage of the most updated and accurate information that we can offer to the agricultural sector.

HRV with 39 years of existence is dedicated to the installation of pellet production lines, lines for the production of animal feed and lines for the production of pet food.


In the chemical sector we have solutions for the production of mortars, expanded clay, granulated plastic, waste, salt, sugar, coffee, cereals in general and all solid products that can be stored, transported, handled and bagged.


ICL Specialty Fertilizers is a global manufacturer of specialty fertilizers that meet the nutritional needs of specialty agriculture (with brands such as Agromaster, Agroblen, Agroleaf and Solinure), ornamental horticulture (with brands such as Osmocote, Peters and Niversol), and turf (with brands such as Sierraform and ProTurf fertilizers and ProSelect grass seed). The company relies on its innovative character and scientific excellence to offer solutions with specialized and innovative fertilizers to make crops, plants and lawns grow greener, stronger and healthier.

ExTe and Alucar forestry transport equipment and stakes. Trux aluminum fenders and light bars.

Klara-Sol curtains, seats and other accessories for Förarmiljö cabs. DOLL forestry bodies for rigid trucks.

Pattones Robert’s is an Andalusian company specialized in the design and manufacture of personal protective equipment (PPE).

Our experienced employees develop anti-cutting and clearing items focused on the forestry and agricultural world, resulting in items that stand out for their quality and durability, not in vain more than 2,000 establishments endorse our products.

Aserraderos estacionarios o portátiles, eléctricos, de gasolina o diésel alimentados. Líneas de producción para pequeños troncos de banda estrecha, aserraderos estacionarios para troncos redondos. Afilado automático de sierras y sistemas de corte cruzado. Todos ellos de la marca Wood-Mizer-Hersan. También tenemos maquinaria de carpintería nueva, usada y reacondicionada garantizada. Servicio técnico propio. Www.hersancr.com.

Visítenos y obtenga información sin compromiso.

Cafeteria, restaurant and stand service at Asturforesta’21


– Website: www.madera-sostenible.com

– Daily Newsletter:

Subscription – https://madera-sostenible.com/quienes-somos/

– On Social Networks:

Facebook: @maderasostenible

Twitter: @MDRsostenible

Linkedin: Sustainable Wood

YouTube: Madera Sostenible

En Maderas Siero nos dedicamos a la explotación forestal y primera transformación de la madera (principalmente castaño), así como a la comercialización de diferentes bosques (roble, iroko, haya ….). Somos propietarios de bosques y compramos bosques de castaños. Vimos y secamos tablas y tablones, así como producimos vigas, pontones, tejas y palets”.

Forestry technology – Maquinària Lliró. Equipment for working in the forest. Forestry tools, protective clothing, machines, accessories and spare parts for professionals, companies, individuals and public entities. A complete catalog of specialized material for forestry work easily accessible through on-line sales.

We are distributors of quality brands and we select the best products. Importers of Forest Winch portable winches, Forest firewood splitters and specialized equipment for skidding.

Martos is a reference in the national forestry sector, guided by a sustained and responsible economic growth supported by the use of resources based on the Circular Economy, that is, by the practice of reforestation and forest management, by the transformation and valorisation of all its by-products, by the production of biomass for energy purposes and in the recovery of products at the end of their useful life.
Positioned in the market in a prominent place for the quality of products and services, meeting the expectations of customers and other stakeholders, assuming a business position of commitment to profitability and economic-social and environmentally sustainable growth, keeping the focus on continuous improvement of its processes.


Millasur es una empresa especializada en la venta y distribución de maquinaria, recambios y accesorios de uso forestal y jardinería, tanto para el mercado particular como para el profesional.

Fundada en el año 2002, su sede está ubicada en la localidad gallega de Sigüeiro – Oroso – A Coruña y cuenta con un equipo comercial propio, presente en España, Portugal y Francia.

Comercializa su propia marca Anova, además de ser importador oficial para España y Portugal de marcas Ferris, Agria, Först, Briggs&Stratton, Murray, Snapper y Total.

MYCSA MULDER Y CO. se ha consolidado como el distribuidor número uno en el mercado nacional de manipulación, reciclaje de residuos y silvicultura, así como recientemente en la distribución de equipos para canteras y minería, habiendo cumplido 43 años ofreciendo maquinaria de calidad y brindando el mejor servicio a sus clientes, desde su incorporación en 1977.

Con una red de talleres y distribuidores que cubren todo el territorio nacional, MYCSA ofrece el mejor servicio post-venta a sus clientes.

MYCSA no solo apuesta por un servicio excepcional, sino también por ofrecer los mejores productos de calidad disponibles en el mercado, siendo el distribuidor exclusivo de marcas de referencia: ZEPRO, SENNEBOGEN, TEREX-FINLAY, TEREX-ECOTEC, ARJES, ESCHLBOCK, ALBACH, entre otras.

Como empresa que ha querido crecer de forma ordenada y responsible, MYCSA ha apostado por las normas ISO, logrando en sus años de historia el sello de calidad ISO 9001, ISO Medioambientales ISO 14001 y Seguridad y Salud Laboral OHSAS 18001.

A principios de 2016 y con el fin de dotar a MYCSA, que se había diversificado en diferentes actividades durante los años de crisis en España, de una organización más estructurada, el grupo MYCSA, S.A. se divide en cuatro empresas, con la entrada de PALFINGER en una de ellas. Este proceso de reestructuración tiene una única premisa: “ESTRATEGIA DE CRECIMIENTO” para seguir siendo líderes del mercado.


Manufacturer of Semi Trailers . Specialists in the manufacture of gondolas for forestry and earth moving machinery. Manufacturer of platforms for log transport. European homologation.

Garden Factory branded agricultural equipment to work without force.

IBERSYS, occupational health and safety

“Our customers trust us with the most valuable thing, the safety and health of their workers. That is our guarantee”. 

From IBERSYS GROUP, we intend to be enhancers of the PRINCIPLES and objectives of our customers, eliminating possibilities of error in preventive matters and turning prevention management into a differentiating element and perfectly integrated into the Excellence System of the company.

More than 20 years of success in the Spanish market.

590 employees

More than 200 technicians, all of them Senior Occupational Risk Prevention Technicians, and more than 250 health professionals.

58 centers of our own

ISO 14001, ISO 9001 and OHSAS 18000 Management Certificates.

Nearly 45,000 client companies throughout Spain.

More than 170,000 workers protected

We perform more than 100,000 medical check-ups per year.

“We provide integral maintenance service (mechanics, hydraulics, electricity, diagnosis of equipment, multibrand spare parts,…) of machinery for O.P., forestry, industrial, quarries, recycling, handling of loads and materials,…
Facilities located in Llanera, Asturias. We work inside and outside the province. We go wherever you have the need or the problem.
We provide technical and after-sales service to several companies.
Distributors for Asturias of Energreen.
We commercialize national and international spare parts, equipment, implements,…”

Como representantes en España de la prestigiosa marca NORWOOD, comercializamos aserraderos de cinta y motosierras. 30 años de experiencia en el sector agroforestal avalan a nuestros asesores comerciales y nuestro SERVICIO TÉCNICO y POSVENTA. Tanto si eres un INDIVIDUO con madera que deseas utilizar tú mismo, como un PROFESIONAL del bosque que desea revalorizar la madera que vendes dándole una segunda transformación, o un carpintero, albañil o artesano que tiene madera que le gustaría usar en su trabajo para reducir costos, tenemos su solución.

PEFC is the most widely implemented forest certification system in the world, whose objective is to ensure that forests are managed responsibly, and that their multitude of functions are protected for present and future generations. In Spain there are more than 2.2 million certified hectares with the commitment of more than 30,300 managers and 1,400 chain-of-custody certified companies that trace the various PEFC-certified forest products and guarantee consumers a purchase of sustainable origin.

Environmental technical journal 

MONTES Magazine is a means of communication that aims to disseminate studies, projects and techniques of an educational, scientific or cultural nature, related to the world of forestry and the natural environment in the broadest sense, to the general public.


MONTES Magazine is the third oldest forestry magazine in the world, and one of the oldest technical-scientific periodicals in Spain, founded in 1868 by the Association of Forestry Engineers.





Exposición de proyectos realizados por el grupo en los últimos años
Material para la divulgación de la reserva de pesca intensiva de El Arenero. Una de las bodegas más recientes del sector de la sidra es precisamente Comercial Embotelladora Díez, que en 1997 se incorporó al comercio de sidra asturiana. Su actual gerente, D. José Luis Díez es quien invierte en la elaboración de sidra, aunque fue su abuelo quien inició el negocio familiar en la elaboración de vino allá por 1914. Actualmente se dedican a la elaboración y comercialización de estos. dos productos, negocio muy en alza en estos años. La sidra se comercializa actualmente con el nombre de Sidra La Llarada.

Agroforestry Multipurpose Platform.

Programmable unmanned vehicle, specially designed for repetitive work in large extensions and spaces with complex orography. Compatible with all types of commercial implements and implements, and can be integrated into the management systems in place.

Talleres Saavedra, S. L. – Seila Álvarez Álvarez

As Rodas S/N- A Fonsagrada (Lugo)
982 34 04 23 / 686 97 05 10

Distribuidor oficial de retroarañas Kaiser en España y Portugal.
Fabricante con certificación CE de todo tipo de desbrozadoras y desbrozadoras-ahoyadoras para aplicación forestal.

TECMAVE es una empresa especializada en la importación y distribución de equipamientos y sistemas para el transporte forestal y la logística maderera, representando en exclusiva a importantes marcas europeas del sector: ECCO (estacas de acero o aluminio, traviesas, bolsters, frontales, sobrechasis de aluminio, tensores, ganchos y accesorios de estiba), básculas para grúas STEELYARD PESON, rotatores hidráulicos y crucetas FORMIKO HYDRAULICS, capotas para grúas LESTEK. Comercializamos todos tipo de accesorios y  repuestos para maquinaria forestal (tracks, cadenas, neumáticos, grasas, cremalleras, bulones, cilíndros, etc).We sell all kinds of accessories and spare parts for forestry machinery (tracks, chains, tires, greases, racks, bolts, cylinders, etc).


We are a company dedicated to the sale, rental and repair of machinery. For the forestry sector we have been importing for years the brands FURUKAWA for hydraulic hammers and implements and SUNWARD for excavators and skid steer loaders.



TECMAVE es una empresa especializada en la importación y distribución de equipamientos y sistemas para el transporte forestal y la logística maderera, representando en exclusiva a importantes marcas europeas del sector: ECCO (estacas de acero o aluminio, traviesas, bolsters, frontales, sobrechasis de aluminio, tensores, ganchos y accesorios de estiba), básculas para grúas STEELYARD PESON, rotatores hidráulicos y crucetas FORMIKO HYDRAULICS, capotas para grúas LESTEK. Comercializamos todos tipo de accesorios y  repuestos para maquinaria forestal (tracks, cadenas, neumáticos, grasas, cremalleras, bulones, cilíndros, etc).We sell all kinds of accessories and spare parts for forestry machinery (tracks, chains, tires, greases, racks, bolts, cylinders, etc).


Exposición de proyectos realizados por el grupo en los últimos años Suministro de MAQUINARIA PARA la producción de BIOMASA FORESTAL: TMK CIZALLA DE ARBOL TMK200, TMK300 y TMK400, Cizalla de tocones PALLARI y cabezal multitraco NAARVA, Procesadora de pendiente profunda PROSILVA, Trituradoras MERI-CRUSHER. INSTRUMENTOS DE MEDICIÓN, LOCALIZACIÓN Y MARCADO:

Fórcípulas manuales, fórcípulas registradoras, barrenas, hipsómetros, brújulas, Vertex, relascopios etc. (HAGLÖF, MASSER, BITTERLICH, LTI, SUUNTO), CINTAS MÉTRICAS, GPS GARMIN, pinturas SOPPEC y cintas para marcar y otros), cadenas para uso agrícola y forestal neumáticos de tractor (OFACHAIN).

REPUESTOS para maquinaria forestal y astilladoras. 



Ucofa is an organ of management, representation and defense of the collective interests of forestry cooperatives in Asturias. UCOFA is concerned about the environmental education of society and inculcates respect for nature in children. More information at: www.ucofa.es and at the e-mail ucofa@ucofa.es

The Military Emergency Unit (UME) was created in 2005 to improve the State’s response to emergencies, becoming the first intervention unit of the Armed Forces (FAS) in these situations. It is a joint force, organised on a permanent basis, whose mission is to intervene anywhere in the national territory and in operations abroad, to contribute to the security and well-being of citizens, together with State institutions and Public Administrations, in cases of serious risk, catastrophe, calamity or other public needs.

La Escuela Politécnica de Mieres (EPM) cuenta con cuatro Grados, un Doble Grado y Dos Másteres en ingeniería vinculados al del terreno, el Medio Forestal y Natural y las Tecnologías Geoespaciales. Los estudios en Ingeniería Forestal y del Medio Natural comienzan en el año 2000 en Asturias dado el gran potencial Forestal de la región, contando ya con más de 500 titulados con un alto nivel de cualificación.The studies in Forestry and Natural Environment Engineering began in 2000 in Asturias due to the great forestry potential of the region, with more than 500 graduates with a high level of qualification.


The Comarca Vaqueira Beekeepers’ Association brings together 70 families from the south-west of Asturias who rely on beekeeping for part of their economy; a few of them can even manage as small entrepreneurs, which is based on effort and tenacity. On the other hand, some of them have hives for their own consumption. The common link between all of us is to practice beekeeping as our ancestors did, in a way that is compatible with the environment, working with high quality honey in its raw form, i.e. from the hive to the pot. We do have modern tools at our disposal to improve our farms, but we are also setting the population, we help each other and we have a deep love for our bees. Our work can be seen on roads and paths, once closed and nowadays clean to access our curtains, some traditional and others more modern, but all treated in the same way. We bring together young people who we want to take our idea of beekeeping into the future and we are committed to dissemination and training.

Tino Gómez President of the Comarca Vaqueira Association

Exposición de proyectos realizados por el grupo en los últimos años
Material para la divulgación de la reserva de pesca intensiva de El Arenero.



“Organic production of chestnut, its commercialization and transformation into chestnut flour.  Supplier of plant material, with specific nursery producing chestnut plants for fruiting. Grafted plant with autochthonous varieties selected for their qualities and high commercial value”.

Es un club deportivo dedicado a Field Target. Field Target es un deporte de tiro al blanco con armas de aire comprimido y precomprimido, cuyo objetivo es derribar siluetas metálicas rebajadas distribuidas en distancias desconocidas para los tiradores (entre 9 y 50 metros).

EqTineo, new Association for the promotion of the equestrian world in the council of Tineo, organizing and collaborating in all those activities oriented to the integration of the horse in nature and its enhancement: from equestrian tourism, informative talks, conferences, collaboration with other equestrian associations, collaboration with related events…

Production and marketing company of Asturian red fruits, fruit and vegetables and homemade jams. 

Mushrooms produced from wood from pruning and forest thinning. Appropriate tools for their cultivation. Myceliated trunks ready to produce mushrooms. Courses and didactic material. Cultivation in mini greenhouses for private individuals, schools, etc. (material and advice). Cultivation of mushrooms in garden soil (material and advice). Cultivation in wooded forests and meadows. General advice for mushroom cultivation.